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Upholding our Commitment to Fairness and Integrity

At HRLP, we are dedicated to fostering a supportive and equitable work environment. We believe in fair and ethical collaboration both within our organization and with our partners and communities. 

Holding of hands in solidarity


HRLP is committed to creating a work environment in which every individual feels supported, comfortable and fairly treated. To ensure we achieve the desired impact for the people we work with, we need to create the right environment for fair and ethical collaboration inside our organisation, and in our approach with partners and affected communities.  

Annual report 2023

We are  pleased to announce that our 2023 Annual Report is out!

Document Review

our finances

HRLP’s operations are governed by a set of rigorous financial policies and controls. These mechanisms ensure that our financial statements conform to generally accepted accounting principles, guidelines of donors are complied with and that our finances are managed with efficiency, accuracy and transparency.

We are politically and financially independent of any government, political ideology, economic interest or religion. By being financially independent we are able to continue our work with integrity and act in full accordance with our principles and values.

Without the generosity of our supporters, important human rights work could not happen. We value and respect our supporters as partners in the defence of human rights.


Learn more about the values and ethos that guide our work. 

Image by Jamie Curd


Join us in fighting for the rights of displaced people at European borders, and consider donating to support our work.  

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